Tripping Out in the Deep South … Slang

Well, I think the South is the capital of slang in America.
“He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.”
“You look rode hard and put up wet.”
Refers to someone that looks like they have not had enough sleep or has a bad hangover.
“I am going to clean your clock.” My Dad would say this to me if I didn’t stop doing something that was annoying him. One time I retorted, “I don’t even have a clock to clean.” His eyes bulged out of his head and then he just busted out laughing. That Christmas, in my stocking, I found an wind up alarm clock with the bells on top.
He was a jokester.
“Hold your horses.” Self explanatory. My Dad used that with impatient Ann.
“He was funny as all get out.”
“Let me let you go.” A polite phrase one uses on the phone that it is time to end a call.
“Quit being ugly.” Stop acting inappropriately. Used on children often.
Sometimes, family members.
“She’s got gumption.” Pretty much sexist as it refers to women.
Gumption is spirit, courage, spunk, boldness, and initiative. If someone tells you that you’ve got gumption, you should thank them, and then walk a little taller, because you’ve received a lovely Southern compliment. Southerners adopted this phrase wholeheartedly from its early usages in 1700s England and Scotland (where it meant “common sense”). In the 1900s, the word evolved, taking on a Southern spin as well as new meanings such as “courage” and “get-up-and-go.” Most of my ancestors were from Scotland, Belgium, and France. This phrase was used one little girl Ann. One of my parents’ friends called me the “25 year midget.”
“Pot Calling the Kettle Black” This phrase is used when someone is guilty of the very same thing in which they are accusing someone else.
“Doohickey” and “thing a ma jig.” When you don’t know what an object is called. A mechanical term.
“Aren’t you precious!” Used on children as a compliment. But in the South, be aware. If you hear someone saying, “Well aren’t you precious?”  in an adult conversation it’s probably being said sarcastically. It’s a phrase usually said if someone has said or done something you find stupid or insulting. Some, well,
some women can be just plain rude, in the South.
Since your mama taught you “that if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say nothing at all.” “You kill them with kindness.”
Oh, I can go on…
I love accents and phrases from other places.
I used to know plenty of Hispanic phrases.
I might have to relearn them.
I still know “son of a dog” in Spanish. 🙂