V.A. nominee under fire

White Home physician: Trump “has completely no cognitive or psychological points”

You all remember Ronny Jackson — he’s the White House Naval physician who said how healthy Trump is, and declared him free of cognitive impairment! Now we’re getting a broader picture after Trump chose him for VA chief:



Trump’s VA appointment is Harriet Miers-level stupid

White Home physician: Trump “has completely no cognitive or psychological points”

The name Harriet Miers will always be associated in Song and Story with what previously had been the Worst Administration in U.S. History: the reign of error that was Chimpy McStagger. For those of you who have (rightfully) blocked from your mind the Blunder Years, Harriet Miers was Chimpy’s chief counsel. He liked her so much… Continue reading “Trump’s VA appointment is Harriet Miers-level stupid”