A Twitter story

From Twitter this sad story from an abortion doctor (the timeline is backwards):

1m Jane Doe, MD ‏@DrJaneChi
So eventually she asked to go home. I hugged her goodbye. “Thank you,” she said. “Call me if you need to,” I said.

I wrapped the baby in a tiny blanket hand knit by a volunteer. I told her I knew it didn’t feel that way now, but God would help her heal.

She told him she loved him & would always be his mother. Her mother, who was also young, said, “Don’t cry. Stop crying.” She didn’t stop.

My patient asked to hold him. She sobbed. I stroked her hair & told her to cry as long as she liked.

I delivered a small fetus (now baby). He didn’t cry. He didn’t breathe. He didn’t move. I took a deep breath, gently cleaned & wrapped him.

I promised her pain medicine. I asked her if she wanted to see him after. She said no, crying. I helped her push.


So I have to tell her, after that grief & pain, she has to labor & birth a dying fetus. ALL BC NO ONE IS WILLING TO DO ABORTION TRAINING.

So there I am, w/a teenager w/a doomed fetus, crying from grief & pain,& I tell her, there is no doctor who can do your surgery for 4 days.

I call another academic hospital. Same story: most of their docs aren’t trained. Only one is, & s/he is only there 2 days a week.

So. I call the nearest academic hospital. They tell me the next time an appropriately trained Dr is available is 4 days away.

(I’m a family doc. I haven’t been able to access that training. Yet, at least.)

No one at my hospital is able to do a D&E. Bc you have to do a bunch to be good, no one can do it who didn’t opt in to abortion training.

2 treatment options: 1, induce labor; 2, operative dilation & evacuation. In other words, an abortion.

So, a teenager w/a “late,” but not viable, fetus that cannot survive. After rupture, delivery will occur, and/or infection. Think Savita.

I ordered an ultrasound. It turned out there wasn’t major bleeding… but her amniotic sac had ruptured. No fluid left at all.

At noon, I got a call from my hospital. A teenage prenatal patient of mine was there. 21 weeks along. Bleeding, with pain.

One thought on “A Twitter story

  1. This is the kind of thing the idiot zealots just do not comprehend…. the idea that things can go really wrong during pregnancy and without proper care women suffer needlessly….. My Dad (who has passed and was an OB/GYN) would be so angry that all that progressed in his time is deteriorating…. (he died in 1974.)
    I am sure that some people would think what she did for this to happen…

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