Are rape culture and jock culture the same thing?

Maybe not, but there’s definitely a lot of overlap. I can’t imagine why Candy Crowley was more upset over the Steubenville rapists being found guilty than she was over the rape victim.

Every guy I’ve ever dated was a jock, but I never made a connection between that and their varying degrees of sexism. Now that I think about it, there’s something to the idea that the hypermasculinity of sports denigrates woman as things, rather than people. We’re just there to look at or have sex with, we’re not in The Game.

The only thing that really sticks out in my mind as outrageously sexist is once, when I mentioned something about feminism to this one guy, he actually sneered and made some comment: “What, you’re one of the hairy armpit crowd now?” I was really shocked. That remark stayed with me for years: I’m supposed to fit into some kind of box for you? If I’m wearing the wrong uniform, I’m not a feminist?

I couldn’t believe that this guy didn’t get how important autonomy in a gender-weighted world is to me – or why. I mean, I’m a lifelong feminist, it’s not a secret or anything. I’m sure I never said anything that indicated otherwise; I suspect it had more to do with the fact that he was a frightened, insecure child under all that jock bravado. (I think most misogynists are.)

He just saw what he wanted to see, that’s all.

8 thoughts on “Are rape culture and jock culture the same thing?

  1. I wonder at what age Crowley believes it stops being OK to drug someone unconscious without their consent or knowledge, victimize them for hours and then demean them in public so that the denigration is inescapable? I wonder if she’d have been as ‘compassionate,’ if the culprits had been two minority dropouts.

  2. I haven’t read this yet. My brain is too into the fact that the Rape Culture exists. I’m drooling right now.

  3. There is an actual rape culture. Really? i can’t do this. Is there some kool-aid somewhere?

    Just kidding. Assholes.

  4. Yes, and we all heard how the victim was drunk, and how this destroyed the future of these remarkable young men.

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