I don’t care that they behead people — I care that they execute people. The beheading part is for shock value, and Americans fall for it every time. Our reaction shouldn’t be any different than it would be if they’d shot James Foley in the head.

What to do about? I don’t have a clue. I’m surprised that even Pope Frank supports the idea of taking these guys out, though.

5 thoughts on “ISIS

  1. You’re right about shock value and falling for it.

    As for ISIS, they were rejected by Al-Qaeda for extremism. :biggest wide-eyed icon in the world goes here:. The Kurdish PKK, a once-upon-a-time-communist workers’ party that the US considers terrorists, calls them “animals.” The Pope says they’re too bad for words.

    When many independent indicators point in the same direction, the reliability of the conclusion goes way up. And you couldn’t get more independent than the voices aghast at ISIS.

    They’re the Ebola of societies. Their culture doesn’t spread easily, but when it does it’s fatal. I’m not surprised at Pope Frank’s attitude. Shows he has a grasp of how appalling they are.

  2. Let’s ponder for a moment about what’s appalling and what an execution is. Is it appalling when Obama executes an American citizen with a drone in Yemen? How about when America drops 500 pound bombs on who knows who? Or when the American puppet Maliki tortures Iraqi Sunnis? Is it appalling when the Zionists try to execute the military leader of Hamas with a rocket, but instead kills his with and child? It would seem that one man’s appalling act is another man’s “humanitarian effort.” While an execution at Sing Sing is acceptable, but an execution on the field of battle is not. Which brings us to way the Hamas/Israel ceasefire ended. 1) The Zionists demanded that Hamas surrender and turn over all of its weapons to Israel. 2) Hamas demanded that the Zionist blockade end. As one senior level Israeli official said on Monday, “The minimum demands of Hamas exceed the maximum demands that Israel would agree to.” And that my friends is why wars go on and on and on. War is irrational and so is what takes place while they’re being fought.

  3. Although I think the modern media contribute to their present status as preferred targets of both side, it demonstrates a complete lack of ‘give-a-shit’ to execute someone for no other reason than, “nyah, nyah look what we did.” You want to execute someone, execute David Koch, or Sheldon Adelson, or any one of the dozens of Walton candidates. Saw the head off a Saudi Prince or two. Fly a fuckin’ plane into Rush Limbaugh’s house for Fox HQ for Allah’s sake. At least one fucking thing that would have an positive impact for your movement.

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