‘They killed that man’

I read about this yesterday, but didn’t have time to look at it until today. This is a shocking video of St. Louis police killing 25-year-old Kajieme Powell, a mentally-ill man who stole a snack cake and two drinks from a convenience store:

The video shows that police told Powell to remove his hand from his pocket, which he did. Police said Powell held a knife in his hand, though it is unclear from the video if Powell actually brandished the knife at the officers. The owner of the convenience store from which Powell allegedly shoplifted told police he had a weapon, a claim corroborated by the owner of a nearby barber shop who called 911 about Powell, according to 911 calls obtained by St. Louis Public Radio.

Powell approached them, shouting, “Shoot me! Shoot me, already!” As Powell continued to approach them, the officers shot and killed him.

Fewer than 20 seconds elapsed from the time police arrived on the scene to the time they shot Powell. The two officers fired 12 shots at Powell, according to police chief Sam Dotson.

Powell allegedly took two energy drinks and donuts from a convenience store, the owner of the store told a 911 dispatcher.

Powell’s death marks the second time in less than two weeks that police in the St. Louis metropolitan area have shot and killed a young black man suspected of a minor crime

I don’t even know what to say. They squashed the man like he was a bug — and then they handcuff him?


3 thoughts on “‘They killed that man’

  1. 12 shots? Stray bullets from that could have killed any number of people. Not the the pigs care about collateral damage.

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