Class war

Hair Cuttery, North Haven, CT 7/2014 by Mike Mozart of TheToyChannel and JeepersMedia on YouTube #Hair #Cuttery

So here we have biblical values in practice:

Daphne Richards was a full-time manager at a Colorado Chick-fil-A when she received a breast cancer diagnosis in May. She took leave for a double mastectomy and when she had been cleared to return to work, she was shocked when management told her she was being demoted:

Richards’ documents show that not only was she being demoted, she was going from a 40-plus hour work week to a 10-to-15-hour week and her hourly wage was dropping from $14 to $10 per hour.

After the story began gaining attention, management eventually offered to increase her hours, but maintain she was demoted for poor performance and out of concern she wouldn’t be able to handle the work load….

So much for operating the company based on “biblical values.”

I was getting my hair cut the other day, and the woman sitting next to me started tsk-tsking over fast food workers asking for $15 an hour.

“Did you know they already pay McDonald’s workers that much in Europe?” I said. “They can afford it, they’d just rather pay it out in dividends to their stockholders.”

She looked shocked. “Go ahead, look it up,” I urged her. “I think it’s a real shame that people in this country have gotten so used to settling for crumbs that asking for a living wage seems ridiculous to them. If you work hard, you should make enough to pay your bills. Time to get out and vote, boot out these politicians who only want to help rich people.”

My hairdresser nodded. “I’m voting, everyone I know is voting.”

Good. Yes, the Dems aren’t that much better. But they’re still better, and when the economy is bleeding, you have to think in terms of triage.

2 thoughts on “Class war

  1. 92% of the American people say that Congress is doing a bad or a really bad job. 52% of Americans say that they will vote to reelect the incumbent. 100% of the American people say that if you put a loaded gun to your head and pull the trigger you will probably die. 52% of Americans say that they will vote to reelect the incumbent. Bang, Bang you’re dead.

  2. The same stupid illogic that blames unions for Ferguson and birth control for unwanted pregnancies. ‘Low-information’ voters: a nice way of describing those who have plenty of time to complain, but no time to understand what they’re complaining about. Especially if they’re part of the problem.

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