Classic closet case

Who provided cover for evangelical support of Trump. Why not?

And by the way, reading this will help you understand why it doesn’t have a thing to do with Trump being “godly”…..

‘I’d vote for a woman, just not this woman’

I predicted a year ago that the leftists and the media would turn on Sen. Elizabeth Warren and lo and behold, it begins. This is why I absolutely do not want a female nominee — the misogyny is unconscious and deeply ingrained, and we have to beat Trump.

Sick bay

I woke with a scary sore throat and chills late Saturday night, which really pissed me off because I was planning to see my grandson Sunday. Oh well. But the thing I wanted to share, in case you come down with this thing, was how well oregano oil capsules worked in helping me get rid of whatever it was. (They’re supposed to be antibacterial.)

Overnight, I went from a throat with deep purple and red streaks all over to a fairly normal looking throat. So keep some oregano oil around this winter!