The Great Depression

Tomorrow morning I have to go to the dentist to get a temporary crown removed and the permanent one installed, and I really dread it.

I hate getting this kind of work; you have to hold your jaw open for a very long time while they’re pounding and pulling and chipping away. Then my jaw will hurt and I’ll grind my teeth until I see my massage therapist, who will hopefully set things right.

6 thoughts on “The Great Depression

  1. If the dentist measured properly and the dental lab was not a bunch of Elbonian refugees it should be quick & easy.

  2. I keep saying, nitrous oxide. Have you tried it? It’s for anxiety. Instead of fear, you just have boredom. I get the 40 percent (highest) mix; when my toes tingle, I know it has kicked in.

  3. I hope it went well. For both of mine, the bad part was the first visit (when they put on the temporary crown), and the installation of the final went smoothly.

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