‘Quit whining’

Ooo! Another hippie punch! Joe Biden tells the base to “quit whining” and get out there and “look at the alternatives. This president has done an incredible job. He’s kept his promises.”

I guess it all depends on what you mean by “promises.” There was that “hope and change” implication, kind of like when a married guy tells his mistress, “Someday, baby, you and me’ll be together.” Meaning, “I’ll tell you what you want to hear right now, but only a moron would take me literally.”

So we’re officially on notice.

The people still without jobs? Quit yer whining.
The ones on food stamps? You, too.
Your house is being foreclosed on? What a buncha pussies. Shut yer piehole!
Those of you living in your cars? Be grateful you still have cars!
Sleeping on your friend’s couch? Beats a cardboard box, don’t it?
You can’t afford to see a doctor? God damn it, you’ll be able to do that in 2014. You can’t wait just four more years?

And they wonder why the base isn’t motivated.

Let me put it this way. You know how Joe Biden’s grandparents came here from Ireland to find a better life? Americans are trying to figure out how to move their families back to Ireland.

23 thoughts on “‘Quit whining’

  1. Silence = acquiescence.
    Oh, I’m going to vote all right, just not for any of Biden’s doozeys.
    Fool me once, shame on me … time for a write-in candidate.

  2. From FDL– “Stars are aligned,” per Rivlin….

    Susie, any chance you could check Rivlin’s and Obama’s horoscopes for the post-election legislative period?

    Alice Rivlin, of the Obama/Pete Peterson Cat Food Commission, told an AARP audience that she believes “the stars are aligned” for bi-partisan recommendations to “shore up” SocSec with changes to revenues and payments.

    “I do expect that some long-run changes in Social Security, both on the benefit side and on the revenue side, are likely to be part of a package,” she continued, speaking at a forum hosted by AARP, the lobbying group for senior citizens. “This is a convenient moment to do this. The only better time to fix Social Security than this year is last year or the year before.

    Rivlin is an important bridge-building figure on the deficit commission. A lifelong Democrat, she is widely respected as an authority on fiscal policy and has insisted that Social Security has serious long-term financial problems. Her positions have often rankled ardent supporters of Social Security, like the labor unions and seniors lobby.
    Rivlin is an important bridge-building figure on the deficit commission. A lifelong Democrat, she is widely respected as an authority on fiscal policy and has insisted that Social Security has serious long-term financial problems. Her positions have often rankled ardent supporters of Social Security, like the labor unions and seniors lobby.


  3. Right now I think the only way to wake up the powers that be is a mass suicide pact. Let them see the bodies of the people they have trampled on. Who’s with me?

  4. SAVE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY, call Pelosi @1-202-225-0100. Negotiate with Congress DIRECTLY, before Al gets there.

  5. I find it completely and utterly amazing the sheer arrogance coming out of the Obama Administration.. It’s mind-boggling how, on the one hand the slam their core people at every opportunity, yet the other hand is held out asking for money.

    I know it can’t be stupidity, as these people aren’t dumb…

    That only leaves the possibility that they are just too arrogant to see that they are biting the hand that feeds them. And when the GOP take the majority back, do you think the Obama Administration will look at themselves and ask, “What did we do wrong??”

    Of course not.. They will point the finger at their base and say, “Ya’all frack’ed up big time!!”..

    2012 can’t come fast enough..


  6. Looks like Obama is not above “piling on”…

    “People need to shake off this lethargy. People need to buck up.”
    “If people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren’t serious in the first place.”
    “It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election.”

    Way to motivate the masses, O! :^/

    If you can’t wow them with your accomplishments, then belittle and lecture them…

    Obama might as well send thugs out to all Democrats and forcefully prevent them from voting.

    Same results…


  7. Of course, things could be much worse. We could have been under McPalin the past two years. Doesn’t mean I like it when my side Sista Souljah’s me, but it also doesn’t mean I am eager to put the mouth breathers in power…
    Clearly many of the old-line dems are out of their league, tired, and need to be replaced. But replacing them with tired old GOP sorts or Christine O’Donnell/Palins ain’t gonna help.
    Also, not sure if Ireland is the best place to be moving these days. Despite their embrace of the austerity measures, they are pretty screwed…

  8. Steveeboy, Krugman tells us, as do other non-deficit hawk economists, that Ireland is screwed worse than necessary because their government went all austerity on their asses.

    The really bad times are not “despite thier embrace of the austerity measure,” but because of them.

  9. I see people talking about voting None of the Above, and I find myelf wondering how that will send the kind of message we are interested in sending. I think, but I may be wrong, that by voting NOTA folks want the Dems to know they’ve moving in the wrong direction.

    But, how will anyone, pundits, Dem,s or Repubs, realize who voted NOTA and WHY?

    I suggest we develop, and quickly, some wording or term that will indicate why the person is not voting for either legacy party. Someone over at Corrente came up with HOSS (Hands Off Social Security), then someone added MFA (Medicare for All).

    The point is to make the legacy parties and the rest of the voters understand why people are not willing to vote FOR candidates on the ballot.

    Thoughts? Suggestions? How do we best make our vote a MESSAGE?

  10. Stevee, this isn’t a matter of voting for Republicans. I don’t think most Democrats are going to pull the lever for R, no matter how angry they get. It’s that these comments are actually depressing the base turnout, not motivating it. How can they be this fucking stupid?

  11. Jawbone is on to something.

    I think there should be an NOTA option on a voting ballot.

    Of course, it won’t have any meaning in the election, but if a majority of voters choose the NOTA option, it will definitely be a wake-up call to those who ARE elected..

    At least, I would HOPE it would be …


  12. The prez has kept his promises, has he?
    Bah! Harumph! Pffft!
    We wouldn’t be here right now, commenting, if he had.

  13. “It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election.”

    He’s got how this politics thing works a little backwards.

  14. All this hippie punching is for one reason – to have a scapegoat when they lose the house and maybe the Senate. They want to be able to say they did all they could and those damn fool professional “liberals” didn’t go vote.

    Of course this is just another gd fraud. The pro left, the political junkies, will all vote. It’s the rest of the base that is not fired up, that is totally uninspired and why would they be?

    OBama’s campaign slogan for 2010:

    “You better get off your asses and vote for us cause we’re not near as bad as they are.”

    Don’t you just love being extorted out of your vote?

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