7 thoughts on “Scary Imaginary Black People

  1. Oh come now.

    Picture the outcry from the Left if a couple of Kluckers were sitting outside a voting booth in white sheets, one carrying a baseball bat and yelling racial slurs and the like.

    The Left would have gone utterly ballistic and demanded the death penalty! 😀

    There is ample evidence to demonstrate that there is a racial bias in the DOJ’s Voting Rights section. The reason the Left doesn’t want to hear about it is because it’s the Left that is promoting the bias.


  2. Not a single voter whiter or black filed a complaint. None. Just another Right wing fear fantasy. Lying cowards all.

  3. mparker,

    Not a single voter whiter or black filed a complaint. None.

    With respect, that is completely and utterly irrelevant..

    Voting Rights Act
    Section 11(b) No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for exercising any powers or duties under section 3(a), 6, 8, 9, 10, or 12(e).

    Nowhere does it state that a complaint must be filed or even voiced. The ATTEMPT to intimidate is sufficient for a violation of 11B to exist.

    It is clear from the recorded and documented actions of the NBPP members that there was a clear and on-going attempt at intimidation.

    I again point out the opposite analogy..

    Would you accept the “Not a single voter whiter or black filed a complaint. ” response if it had been a couple Kluckers with baseball bats??

    I honestly don’t think you would.. And you shouldn’t…

    Because, it doesn’t matter if not one single voter voiced a complaint..

    Regardless of all that, the FACTS of the matter are that several voter workers (of which the VRA also applies to) did voice complaints and voiced their feelings of intimidation.

    You may not like the facts, but they are the facts nonetheless…


  4. {{ssiiigggghhhhhhhhh}}

    I give you facts and reality.

    You make personal attacks and indulge in immature name-calling…

    ’nuff said….


  5. Michale, are you “intimidated” by the scarey boogey-man hiding in your closet when you go to sleep at night?

  6. dandy,

    Nice sarcasm,

    Are you “intimidated” by the scarey Bush boogey man that wants to take away all your civil rights??

    Sarcastic fear-mongering is just as irrelevant, regardless of the target.

    The simple fact is that there was a violation of the Voting Rights Act, section 11b.

    No amount of sarcasm will change this.

    In the past, the Left always held the Voting Rights Act as a sacred right that should NOT be messed with..

    NOW, it is clear that the Left only holds the Voting Rights Act sacred if it protects the agenda of the Left…

    This is hypocrisy, pure and simple.

    Hypocrisy that your blithe and childish sarcasm simply cannot cover up or justify.

    I ask again, since ya’all appear afraid to answer.

    Would you have the same attitude if it had been a couple Kluckers with baseball bats???

    Of course you wouldn’t…

    So, obviously, your “principles” are conditional, solely based on which political ideology is being served.

    News flash for ya, dandy.. “Conditional” principles are no principles at all…


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