
Mother Nature surprised us! We weren’t supposed to get any snow until late today, and we have at least three inches already. The snow plows aren’t out, no one expected they’d have to work this morning.

Not only that, it’s wet, heavy snow and people are having trouble getting up just about any incline.

It’s snow chaos! AIEEEEEE!!!!!

3 thoughts on “Oops

  1. I went to the grocery store about 8:15 this morning for a few things I forgot to get yesterday. It was just starting to snow. I periodically check the National Weather Service web site. So far, it’s only snow in Woodside (NY) but it is supposed to change to snow/sleet this afternoon. I can’t tell if plows have been out on Queens Blvd. yet though.

  2. I left my home in Morningside Heights at 8:15, like PurpleGirl. By the time I popped out of the subway at 86th St., real snow. By the time I left the doctor’s on the East Side, a lot of snow.

    By the time the bus couldn’t get up the hill at 110th and Manhattan Ave., at least three inches. Walked home…

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