‘Do you know who I am?’

Yeah, you’re an asshole:

HARRISBURG – Gov. Corbett’s newly minted secretary of health likes his eggs fresh off the grill – very fresh.

Diner owner Richard Hanna says he found that out the hard way.

Hanna says that just weeks after Corbett tapped Eli N. Avila to serve as the state’s top health official, Avila walked into Hanna’s restaurant opposite the Capitol, ordered an egg sandwich breakfast, and angrily complained that it wasn’t fresh enough.

What followed, Hanna says, was a testy exchange that culminated with Avila’s shouting, “Do you know who I am? I am the secretary of health!”

A month or so later, a city health inspector descended on the restaurant, Roxy’s Cafe.

A Harrisburg city spokesman confirmed Thursday that the visit was triggered by a complaint from the state Health Department – about eggs, no less.

Avila, who came to Pennsylvania from New York and received state Senate confirmation two weeks ago, declined a request for an interview for this article.

Instead, his office e-mailed this statement, saying the incident was in January: “Secretary Avila went to Roxy’s . . . and noticed what he believed were unsanitary cooking conditions. As the secretary of health, he felt it was his duty to report this incident to the city of Harrisburg.”

Go read the rest of the story to learn what really happened. Asshole.

3 thoughts on “‘Do you know who I am?’

  1. Ah, a self-important rethug with an overly developed sense of entitlement. Who could have predicted?

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