SOPA news

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad to see that Darrell Issa really worked hard to stop SOPA in its current form. When even Republicans can see what a bad bill this really is, why are otherwise decent Democrats like Al Franken throwing their support behind it?

House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said early Saturday morning that Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) promised him the House will not vote on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) unless there is consensus on the bill.

“While I remain concerned about Senate action on the Protect IP Act, I am confident that flawed legislation will not be taken up by this House,” Issa said in a statement. “Majority Leader Cantor has assured me that we will continue to work to address outstanding concerns and work to build consensus prior to any anti-piracy legislation coming before the House for a vote.”

The announcement comes just hours after Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas), SOPA’s sponsor, made a major concession to the bill’s critics by agreeing to drop a controversial provision that would have required Internet service providers to block infringing websites.

SOPA is designed to go after foreign websites that offer illegal copies of music, movies and TV shows with impunity. Even without the provision allowing sites to be blocked, the bill would empower the Justice Department and copyright holders to demand that search engines delete links to sites “dedicated” to copyright infringement. Ad networks and payment processors would be prohibited from doing business with the sites.

Meanwhile, this Wednesday, many of the largest sites on the internet will go dark to demonstrate their opposition to SOPA. From Boing Boing:

On January 18, Boing Boing will join Reddit and other sites around the Internet in “going dark” to oppose SOPA and PIPA, the pending US legislation that creates a punishing Internet censorship regime and exports it to the rest of the world.

Boing Boing could never co-exist with a SOPA world: we could not ever link to another website unless we were sure that no links to anything that infringes copyright appeared on that site. So in order to link to a URL on LiveJournal or WordPress or Twitter or Blogspot, we’d have to first confirm that no one had ever made an infringing link, anywhere on that site. Making one link would require checking millions (even tens of millions) of pages, just to be sure that we weren’t in some way impinging on the ability of five Hollywood studios, four multinational record labels, and six global publishers to maximize their profits.

If we failed to take this precaution, our finances could be frozen, our ad broker forced to pull ads from our site, and depending on which version of the bill goes to the vote, our domains confiscated, and, because our server is in Canada, our IP address would be added to a US-wide blacklist that every ISP in the country would be required to censor.

This is the part of the post where I’m supposed to say something reasonable like, “Everyone agrees that piracy is wrong, but this is the wrong way to fight it.”But you know what? Screw that.

Even though a substantial portion of my living comes from the entertainment industry, I don’t think that any amount of “piracy” justifies this kind of depraved indifference to the consequences of one’s actions. Big Content haven’t just declared war on Boing Boing and Reddit and the rest of the “fun” Internet: they’ve declared war on every person who uses the net to publicize police brutality, every oppressed person in the Arab Spring who used the net to organize protests and publicize the blood spilled by their oppressors, every abused kid who used the net to reveal her father as a brutalizer of children, every gay kid who used the net to discover that life is worth living despite the torment she’s experiencing, every grassroots political campaigner who uses the net to make her community a better place — as well as the scientists who collaborate online, the rescue workers who coordinate online, the makers who trade tips online, the people with rare diseases who support each other online, and the independent creators who use the Internet to earn their livings.

The contempt for human rights on display with SOPA and PIPA is more than foolish. Foolishness can be excused. It’s more than greed. Greed is only to be expected. It is evil, and it must be fought.SOPA Strike is compiling a list of sites that are also going dark for Jan 18. If you want an Internet where human rights, free speech and the rule of law are not subordinated to the entertainment industry’s profits, I hope you’ll join us on it.

9 thoughts on “SOPA news

  1. Has anyone mentioned that Democrat Al Franken co-sponsored this bill? Or that he stood shoulder to shoulder with John McCain and ex-presidential candidate Bachmann to voice his strong support for it? Follow the money and who hates WikiLeaks.

  2. adding, Pat Toomey’s on the right side too. Casey,on the other hand, supports protectIP.

    That’s because, as has been noted, Casey is an idiot.

  3. …there’s something weird about Issa wanting to stop SOPA. He’s doesn’t represent Hollywood, but he’s not far from it, and is historically a lickspittle par excellence.

    Maybe he’s just DL’d so much porn that he’s fearful that it’d get out.

  4. annagranfors, had you stopped at “…there’s something weird about issa,” then we’d be in full agreement.

  5. Has anyone contacted Franken’s office? Emailed? Wrote a letter? How does Franken justify his actions on this bill? Is it to protect, in some way, his own income form residuals or…what??

    Has he undergone “DC capture”? Which is akin to regulatory capture…once someone gets to DC they get group thinked into acting like everyone else in office?

    Anyone from MN made contact? What do local papers say about this?

  6. imhotep: when your entire previous career was in TV and movies, you can bet he’s responsive to the Hollywood/entertainment lobby

  7. imhotep any questions?

    of the industries giving to Franken, TV/Movies/Music is number 3. For PACs, Communications/Electronics was #1. #1 donor was Time Warner.

    any questions?

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