Mitt’s idea-free campaign

TPM’s reminder that Mitt Romney is running a campaign that’s unimaginative, cowardly and dishonest, adjectives that sum up the man as well as the campaign:

Mitt Romney’s campaign asked Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) to downplay his state’s job growth after several press releases from the governor’s campaign and messages from the Florida Chamber of Commerce trumpeted gains for the month of May, according to Bloomberg News.

Florida’s unemployment rate dropped from 8.7 percent in April to 8.6 percent in May, though still significantly above the national rate of 8.2 percent.

A Romney adviser reportedly requested that Scott’s office say that Florida’s unemployment rate could improve faster under a Romney presidency, unnamed sources told Bloomberg.

The development is perhaps one of the clearest examples of the messaging predicament the Romney campaign finds itself in. For the Republican presidential nominee, the election is largely a referendum on President Obama’s handling of jobs and the economy…

No wonder Romney quickly resorts to doubletalk when anyone asks him where he stands on an issue. All of his eggs are in the same basket — our ongoing economic disaster.