Mass shooting. Again.

This time, at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. At least seven people are dead, including the shooter. We don’t know anything about the gunman yet other than he’s a bald white male wearing a sleeveless undershirt — but I’ll bet we can make some pretty good guesses.

4 thoughts on “Mass shooting. Again.

  1. Ain’t it great to be living in a free country where you can’t go to a goddamned movie or to a church of your choice, or even just taking some classes at your local schoolhouse without fear of dying from an assault-rifle-carrying-nutjob who believes what he heard a Limbaugh or someone from the NRA talking about taking our fucking country back?

  2. Well, didn’t the WI Repubs want to make it legal to carry in churches? I can’t recall if they got that passed.

  3. i’m sure i’m not the only one to point out that the “shooter” was wearing body armor etc. and that there were more than one according to eyewitnesses – like the Aurora incident. Could this be some sort of CIA induced hysteria creating series of events by brainwashed psychos who seem to be fomenting chaos in multiple venues and locations? i don’t know, but it’s pretty bizarre.

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