2 thoughts on “Engagement announcement

  1. Usually, a candidate will pick a reconciliatory running mate, that is, someone who will help bring in votes from the other side of the political spectrum. Kennedy had Johnson, Gore had Lieberman, Clinton had Gore, Eisenhower had Nixon. Like McCain’s pick of Palin, Rmoney’s pick of Ryan signals that the right isn’t even attempting to chose someone from even just vaguely outside of the ideological box in an attempt to draw the nation together or even garner some wandering voters’ attention. Of course, Reagan had Bush I, so maybe it’s just a return to form of sorts.

    Ryan is just so may nails in the campaign coffin for Rmoney, who’s main message from this pick is: We’re going to AUSTERITY YOU TO DEATH. So get ready. Catfood for everyone!

  2. The choice of Paul Ryan signals an “Oh, fuck it” moment for the Republican Party. The party apparatchick knows that Mr.1% is a loser with no chance of beating Obama in November. So they’ve decided to turn the election into an ideological battle to try and save as many Republican Senators and House members as possible. Good luck with that and thank you T-Baggers.

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