The green zone

Nice catch from Marcy Wheeler regarding the Romney campaign’s new blame the media for our inability to run a campaign strategy:

One of Mitt’s advisors–hiding his own identity, but not his affiliation with the campaign of a man who has a car elevator–just said this:

The adviser, granted anonymity to criticize a press corps the campaign still relies on every day, went on to blame a “green room, green zone kind of divide,” saying the national press, most of whom live in New York or DC, “pockets of prosperity,” are isolated from the realities of the harsh economy — and therefore, unable to grasp Romney’s message.

Instead, they are preoccupied by concerns akin to war reporters relaxing in the green zone: “Too much chlorine in the pool, the parties are going on too late, why can’t we get the right flavors of Haagen Dazs? Most people aren’t living in that world.” [my emphasis]

And yes, the people who are doing rather well really are completely detached from how badly the rest of us are doing. There really is a green zone for them.

As Marcy notes in her post, there’s no denying that your librul media elite are oblivious to how the economy affects the lives of ordinary people, but really, the one person who can’t credibly complain on our behalf is vulture capitalist Mitt Romney. After all, he put so many of us in this predicament.

Not that discretion and common sense has ever stopped him from saying this sort of thing.  Remember earlier this year when Romney claimed to be from the “real streets of America.”

Yeah, Easy Street!