Church and State: Is a Mormon a Christian, and Why Should that Matter

Here’s the latest of JC and the gang at Church and State

With all the hoo-ha over Obama the Black Radical Christian Muslim, it’s important to remember that Mitt Romney belongs to a religion a lot of people would call a cult. But we should also remember that there should be no religious litmus test as a qualification for the presidency.

2 thoughts on “Church and State: Is a Mormon a Christian, and Why Should that Matter

  1. …unless you’re a believer in The White Horse Prophecy, which Willard is—although he has claimed he is not. But Flipper has claimed lots of stuff, hasn’t he?

  2. Just because a persons religion shouldn’t be a relevant qualification ‘to the government’ about who runs for president, doesn’t mean that it’s not an important element for “we the people” to consider when making the decision for whom to cast our vote. For example, the evidence indicates that Evangelical Christians, Zionists, and Mormons are not playing with a full deck. Therefore they are probably not qualified to become president.

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