Ooh shoot

I just love knowing that idiots like this get to carry guns:

Dr. Deidra Blackmon, a Grapevine veterinarian, was the designated driver Saturday for a night out with two girlfriends in the Fort Worth Stockyards, an associate said Monday.

As they headed home about midnight, Blackmon pulled into a convenience store on Saginaw Boulevard and went inside, police reported.

While she was gone, one of her friends threw up in the parking lot near Jeffery Hansana’s car, police said.

A few minutes later, and within a mile of the store, Hansana drove up to Blackmon’s Lexus and fired three to five shots at the moving car, investigators reported.

Blackmon’s passengers heard the shots, and “believed Blackmon drove into a field as an evasive action — that is, until the front-seat passenger saw blood on the victim,” Saginaw police Chief Roger Macon said.

Hansana, with his girlfriend in the car, drove away, police said. A passing motorist heard the women’s screams and stopped to help.

Blackmon, 33, had been shot in the head and was pronounced dead at 1:03 a.m. Sunday at John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth, according to the Tarrant County medical examiner’s website.

“A few words were exchanged in the parking lot between the women and a female” with Hansana, Macon said. “I don’t believe [Hansana] said a word during that exchange.”