Another reason to love Big Pharma

Don’t worry, we can always up Granny’s deductible to cover the costs. Ha ha ha! Remember when Obama was going to fix this, and allow Americans to buy Canadian drugs? Good times!

The 11 largest drug companies have made $711 billion in profits in just a decade, largely due to overcharging Medicare, which does not seek out competitive prices and uses taxpayer funds to support Big Pharma.

Since Medicare is prohibited from purchasing drugs based on their cost, its prescription drug program has been making large payouts to drug companies that have overcharged the program for years, according to an analysis by Health Care for America Now (HCAN).

2 thoughts on “Another reason to love Big Pharma

  1. The only thing that Capitalist Thatcher didn’t touch in England was the National Health Care system. Prescription medication is still very affordable there. That’s because prices are controlled by the government. They are not set by free market Caoitalists like they are in the United States. Socialism works folks. And it works in every industry.

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