The FBI found scientific errors in 27 death penalty convictions

Yet another reason to drop the death penalty:

Under terms finalized with the groups last month, the Justice Department will notify prosecutors and convicted defendants or defense attorneys if an internal review panel or the two external groups find that FBI examiners “exceeded the limits of science” when they claimed to link crime scene hair to defendants in reports or testimony.

If so, the department will assist the class of prisoners in unprecedented ways, including waiving statutes of limitations and other federal rules that since 1996 have restricted post-conviction appeals. The FBI also will test DNA evidence if sought by a judge or prosecutor.

H/t DUI attorney Ed Tayter.

2 thoughts on “The FBI found scientific errors in 27 death penalty convictions

  1. It’s never been about guilt or innocence. It’s about getting a conviction regardless.

  2. Will this be the same investigative process that they are bringing to whitewash that shooting of the unarmed interviewee down in Florida?

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