Huge underground water supply discovered in drought-stricken Kenya


I hope this is a unabashed good for the people of Kenya, and that First World interests don’t find a way to steal it, ruin it or tax it:

Aquifer brings hope and the promise of prosperity to tens of millions without adequate water, Kenyan environment minister says.

The high-tech discovery of a 70-year water supply under the arid plains of drought-stricken northern Kenya brings hope and the promise of prosperity to tens of millions without adequate water, the Kenyan environment minister says.

Judi Wakhungu announced the discovery ‏of the 207-cubic-kilometre Lotikipi Basin Aquifer at a water security meeting in Nairobi with the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization, which sponsored the exploration.

“Kenya water discovery brings hope for drought relief in rural north,” Wakhungu announced via Twitter.

A smaller aquifer, a reserve of underground water, has also been identified using advanced satellite technology supplied by the French company Radar Technologies International, it was announced Wednesday.

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