2 thoughts on “Oh dear

  1. “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time,” but eventually lots of people will begin to see the light. A recent poll showed that 63% of Americans wanted to replace their U.S. House member and their Senator. 37% thought that everyting was just dandy in Washington. Those folks should probably seek immediate mental heath care. 22% thought that the Republican Party was doing a fantastic job. Club for Growth T-baggers most likely. Wanna bet that 80% of them live in Southern states?

  2. Fuck ’em. They’re part of the problem. They’ve elected racist eliminationists who have actively pursued the needless suffering of the inner city poor for decades. Now it’s their turn to be let down by the color blind government programs they’ve spent decades trying to eliminate. I hope they spend their last dime on gasoline for door-to-door Amway sales in the middle of nowhere, or blow up their barns in a get-rich-quick meth lab scheme. They can eat the shit they’ve been dishing out for years as far as I’m concerned.

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