FDA to cut out trans fats

I saw a prominent young libertarian (he appears on MSNBC) bemoaning the nanny-statism of it all. And this is why I don’t take libertarians seriously. The FDA isn’t merely saying trans fats aren’t good for you, they’re saying they’re harmful. Big difference.

FDA moves to cut out trans fats: Headline video (via Los Angeles Times Video)

The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday moved to potentially eliminate trans fat from all processed foods to help prevent heart attacks and heart disease. For more: http://lat.ms/1aubw8c SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS AND NEWS http://www.youtube.com…

One thought on “FDA to cut out trans fats

  1. It sure seems that this ban is following the market and not leading. Every package I see in the supermarket has been labeled “zero trans fat” for an awfully long time now.

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