What is it about these states?

Are they that hypnotized by fundamentalist churches that they just have to be mean, even when the law dictates otherwise?

Indiana hospital defies federal law and bars woman from seeing same sex partner (via Raw Story )

LGBT rights advocates say that a hospital in Indiana is violating federal law by preventing a woman from visiting her unconscious same sex partner. Sarah Bray, 34, told WXIN that she hasn’t been able to see her partner, 28-year-old Jennifer Clemmer…

2 thoughts on “What is it about these states?

  1. I don’t know. When it’s outside the treasonous south, I don’t know if it’s the states so much or even the institution itself. Like as not, it’s some born-again douche-nozzle gatekeeper who commits the organization to defending an untenable position just because they can.

  2. “when it’s outside the treasonous south”,
    Places like Indiana, Missouri West Virginia and southern Ohio and Illinois are very southern in outlook, even if they didn’t commit treasonous secession. They even had slaves in Illinois and Indiana when it was illegal, and the Indiana was just about the KKK kapital of the entire USA. I’m sure there are places in Pennsabama like that too.

    The post says the women were in a “partnership”, but doesn’t describe if it was formal or not. And several people quoted commented that the discrimination was illegal without explaining what made it illegal. Does an engagement to marry count the same as a marriage in Indiana as far as visitation rights?

    It sounds like we are not getting the full story, so Ima withhold judgement on this one. If your child overdoses on drugs (suicide attempt?), I don’t think it is that unusual for the family to want to keep the sexy-times partner they may blame for the patient’s emotional state away from the patient. Besides, hospitals are full of gay people (like most of the male nurses and quite a few of the females). It’s possible, but I doubt they were looking for an opportunity to discriminate. Sounds like they just got stuck in the middle of a fight between the fiance and the blood relatives and played it safe.

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