Fire Alarm

Did you know if you boil sugar and water together to candy-coat pecans, but you boil it past the point where you’re supposed to, it all turns into a vile black mess, fills up your home with smoke and all the hard-wired smoke alarms go off?

Neither did I!

And do you know how hard it is to shut them off? I think I will have to sleep through this tonight.

Yes, I opened the alarm station and tried to reset it. No dice. Landlord’s out for the night and not picking up the phone. This is very loud and after an hour of this, it’s making me tense.

This is why I try not to cook.

UPDATE: My landlord came over and shut off the breaker panel. It’s off now, thank heaven.

2 thoughts on “BEEP BEEP BEEP

  1. My apartment shared a wall with one belonging to a bad-tempered guy who managed to set off his alarm. He couldn’t figure out how to get it to shut up. I could hear lots of more and more violent yelling, then the dragging of something heavy across the floor (a ladder I later found out), following by pounding and shattering sounds as he took a hammer to the smoke alarm.

    I knew just how he felt.

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