Those kids with asthma weren’t really using those lungs

So it won’t actually matter how much pollution this little project will dump into the air — in an area already famous for poor area quality. But since the elite on the Jersey side are complaining, perhaps it will be sidelined:

Toxic chemical particles could begin swirling around areas of Mercer and Burlington counties if a hazardous waste incinerator — estimated to burn 25,000 pounds of waste per day — comes to Bristol, Pa., opponents of the project say.

Route 13 Bridge Partners of King of Prussia, Pa., is seeking approval tonight from Bristol Township officials to build a 50,392-square-foot industrial waste burner on the now-defunct Rohm & Haas chemical manufacturing plant on Route 13, officials said.

The plan also calls for a 3,749-square-foot office on George Patterson Boulevard in the Bridge Business Center.

But environmentalists and area officials, concerned about its possible far-reaching health impacts, said they are doing all they can to prevent the project from coming to fruition.

“This is one of the most ludicrous proposals you could have along the riverfront. When you burn hazardous waste, you don’t get rid of it; it’s changing forms,” said Jeff Tittel, director of the New Jersey chapter of the Sierra Club, a nonprofit that promotes environmental conservation. “People in New Jersey need to fight this.”