Tales of the chiro

Chiropractic Durban - Adjusting Table

I was at the chiro yesterday, who’s trying to help me with my chronic neck and shoulder problems. He asked me if he could use this new tool, some kind of neuromuscular stimulation something or other (really, it’s like a small jackhammer). It didn’t hurt when he was doing it, but damn, everything was sore last night!

He used it on my spine and neck and when he was done, he showed me the medical journal describing how it’s supposed to work. I said, “Hmm. I wonder if that would help my ankle.”

“Do you want me to try?”

I told him I was fine with being a guinea pig, and he used it on the bottom of my foot. It felt extremely… peculiar — and really painful, to boot. But my foot feels good, so what the hell.

2 thoughts on “Tales of the chiro

  1. Chiropractors may get a bum rap, but sometimes their ministrations really do work. What the hell, anything that relieves chronic pain.

  2. As I say to people who tell me chiros are quacks, “Why is that all the people who depend on their bodies for a living — athletes, dancers — all use chiros if they don’t work?”

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