5 thoughts on “Phillies

  1. Why do people watch baseball? Especially on television? Going to the ballpark holds a certain charm……sort of. But watching overpaid, steroid using, adolescents grab their crotches and spit mouthfuls of chaw from your recliner is like watching grass grow when your stoned. Not a big fan of cricket either.

  2. What the hell, Im! Watching baseball is a lot easier and more fun than watching the over-paid idiots in Washington! Heck, watching grass grow is even better than waiting for Congress to DO something, anything of significance.
    And BTW, good moves by the Phillies GM……………………GO Braves!

  3. Geezz, dandy, some comparison. ANYTHING is better than watching the idiots in Washington. Even watching Justin Bieber do a reverse Michael Jackson with his career. If I must…….GO Boston!

  4. “The Phillies were 77-63 with first baseman Ryan Howard in the lineup over the last two seasons and 77-107 without him.”
    So, whether Howard’s in or out of the lineup, the Philles are sure to win 77 games, no matter how many they lose.

    “…watching overpaid, steroid using, adolescents grab their crotches and spit mouthfuls of chaw from your recliner…”
    How the devil did they get chaw from my recliner? I must have nodded off at a crucial moment.

  5. Ah, spring is in the air; with the sounds of cracking bats and vitriolic curses. Now if only the temperature would play along.

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