Sick bay

Intravenous fluid

So I just finished another round of antibiotics for a diverticulitis flareup, and woke up this morning with a slight fever. The gastroenterologist is not happy, and wants me to have a CAT scan. If the fever doesn’t go away, she wants me to go into the hospital for 48 hours of IV antibiotics and fluid.

I’m not very happy. I really, really don’t want to have the surgery she keeps pushing (because it doesn’t always work) and I don’t know how recovery would work when I live alone. This is really complicated.

11 thoughts on “Sick bay

  1. Shit I just lost my post to you. Wait for surgery and do gluten first. It will take a few months to begin to feel better. Sleep with your legs straight, not curled, flexed so your intestines are not curled. I know what’s good for you is not appealing but you must eat it anyway. Scrambled eggs, not runny, are good with olive oil. Lactose free milk. Chocolate helps. Ghirardelli 100% cocoa unsweetened. Use sugar yourself. I have been where you are and did not go the hospital route. I know other extreme helpful stuff from reading so much about this, but wait on that. Do simple first. Just eat rice popped cereal non-gluten:Natures Path Crispy Rice. Don’t eat anything else until the pain, diarrhea, constipation goes away. You are gonna have to cure yourself because they are just guessing from tests and you know because you are feeling it inside you.

  2. Please listen to me. I love your blog and admire you so much. Wish I was still in Phillay and had all my buildings. I would give you an apartment.

  3. I don’t have any helpful suggestions, so this is just curiousity: what’s the surgery being suggested?

    I suspect the reason she wants you in the hospital and on antibiotics if the fever continues is because — if I remember my med school classes right — a really really really bad flare-up of diverticulitis can break through the intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity. In which case you’d wind up ambulanced to the hospital, which would be even less fun. (Mayo Clinic is generally my go-to site for basic medical info.)

    Take care of yourself. Natural treatments are great for chronic conditions, but for acute stuff nothing beats clinical medicine.

  4. Honey I have been there. Don’t do surgery just yet. Use all other options first. This is connected with your gluten intolerance. When you sleep do not – do not – flex your knees up but straighten them out. Try sleeping on your sides or back. Keep legs straight.

    Be careful of hospital food.It will get better but slowly. In an adult it takes about 2 years. I am on 1 and 3 to 4 months now. Incredible difference. Still a ways to go.

    I have read other stuff that I can tell you about but go simple first. No gluten. This means soy also. I know what is good for you has no appeal now but you have to eat it anyway. Scrambled eggs good, not runny ones at first. In olive oil. Lactose free milk. Chocolate helps but do the Ghirardelli 100% cocoa unsweetened.Sugar OK. I add cinnamon and nutmeg. With this your muscles start to waste away so do strengthening exercises. Just simple but remember to do things in your life to strengthen your arms and legs.

  5. Gluten Intolerance testing is expensive. If you just eat Naturals gluten free Rice Crispies for a few days and feel better, then you know you have it. Just the price of the cereal. No insurance needed.Have you applied for SSI and Medicaid? Food Stamps. Do it. Now.

  6. I’m very embarrassed to ask this question in this way, but I’m terrible with names….so here goes. Awhile back a really clever person posted on a daily basis interesting and funny visual quotes. Sometimes the art ‘was’ the message. Is that person, I believe she was from the Atlanta area, OK? I sure miss those posts and the person who took the time and made the effort to contribute them.

  7. quixote’s right. My brother thought he’d tough it out with diverticulitis and damned near died when diverticulitis turned into peritonitis and he was close to going septic. Keep a close eye on any fever. Sorry for being alarmist, but I’ve gotten pretty used to you. Selfish I know, but there you are . . .

  8. I’m just really pissed. When I started taking probiotics, I stopped having the attacks. In fact, I didn’t have one in 18 months. And now I’m really angry that it’s back.

  9. Susie, thanks. That’s very good news. She always made my day so I hope she doesn’t remain inactive for too long.

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