Can’t hurt Tom’s fee-fees

Veterans Drivers License

If there’s anything we know about Tom Corbett, it’s that he’s highly adverse to public confrontation. That’s why he takes such pains to appear only in front of friendly audiences, and does minimal publicity of his events:

For four years, Gov. Tom Corbett (R-PA) has led the charge on education funding cuts in Pennsylvania so devastating that individual school districts were left asking parents to chip in. While Corbett has softened his position on education funding cuts over the past few months as the November election approaches, at the height of the debate over budget cuts, students at JP McCaskey High School in Lancaster County were encouraged to lobby the legislature on cuts to the budget.

But when Corbett held a press conference at JP McCaskey last week touting a small chunk of funding for school resource officers, students who planned to protest Corbett’s spending priorities say they were intimidated by their school administrators into backing out.

“As soon as they found out that we were going to protest they said that we were not allowed to come and that we did not have the permission anymore,” said Brittani Carr, 17.

Carr and several fellow students had planned to hold up signs, with messages about Corbett’s push to fund other priorities like the now-invalidated voter ID law, prisons, and fracking, while making drastic cuts to education. One read, “diplomas not handcuffs.” Another said, “Corbett cut public education funding while increasing prison funding. Don’t be fooled.”

“I didn’t like the idea that he was coming because it’s like, if I’ve been stealing money from you for four years and then all of the sudden I give you ten dollars, I didn’t want it to be seen that our district was welcoming him,” said Therese DeSlippe, a senior at McCaskey.

Carr and DeSlippe were told that if they protested, they would be uninvited from Corbett’s remarks and would face consequences for cutting class, including suspension.

3 thoughts on “Can’t hurt Tom’s fee-fees

  1. There is something very wrong with many of Pennsylvania’s politicians. Take Republican Rep. Charles Dent. He claims that the Republican Party’s plan to get to full employment (5.2% unemployment) is as follows. 1) Build the Keystone XL pipeline. 2) Redefine full time employment as 40 hours per week instead of its current 30 hours per week. 3) Repeal the medical devices tax in Obamacare. That’s it. Those 3 simple steps will bring us to full employment according to this Pennsylvania lawmaker. What is wrong with the voters of the Keystone state? Why do they keep electing these idiots to the US Congress?

  2. I know why they keep electing these same crooks and idiots over and over again: because the electorate is foolish, ignorant, and really do believe that when they die the same elected idiots they voted for year after year will meet them at heaven’s gate with pure gold and diamonds and 40 raving nymphomaniac virgins…………….Got any better reasons for the foolishness?

  3. Apparently kids in PA have more backbone than their parents. At least their school administrators for sure, boot licking ass-kissers that they are . . .

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