3 thoughts on “Elizabeth Warren tells off Chris Matthews

  1. Well one thing you could do is actually make them filibuster, as opposed to merely pro forma doing it: make them stand and talk for hours on end. They will get tired of this I guarantee.

  2. First……the Republicans will get tired of talking? Surely you jest. Second, the Democratic Party movers and shakers despise Elizabeth Warren. Third, Matthews’ job was to trip Warren up. He strongly supports Clinton. Fourth, Warren dislike Clinton immensely. Clinton’s views represent what Warren believes is wrong with the system both economically and politically. Fifth, Bernie Sanders for President. Elizabeth Warren for Vice President. Rand Paul for Secretary of State. Dennis Kucinich for Secretary of Defense. “I saw reality, which is the most powerful of hallucinogens.” Gary.

  3. Chris Matthews is not only stupid (which we already knew), he’s also an unimaginable asshole. Clueless, arrogant – the whole nine. He needs to shut the fuck up and go away.

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