More executive actions on the way

I like this new Obama:

The Obama administration is preparing another active year of executive action in 2015, pumping out new rules and enforcing others for the first time — setting tougher standards on everything from air pollution to overtime pay to net neutrality, food safety, commercial drones, a college ratings plan and a crackdown on for-profit colleges that don’t prepare their students for well-paying jobs. There’s even going to be the first draft of a rule for organic pet food.

And, of course, there will be more executive actions to move forward on other initiatives as well — like the new measures President Barack Obama is set to announce on Friday to help more people go to college.

The rules and regulations will set up more confrontation with a newly unified Republican Congress, which will use all of the tools at its disposal to try to stop individual policies and blast the Obama administration for being too rule-happy in general. The new rules will get merged, generally, with the GOP’s complaints about about Obama’s executive actions on immigration — their view that he’s a go-it-alone president who’s ready to fire off executive actions on whatever he wants without listening to Congress.

Most of the administration’s agenda for 2015 doesn’t rise to that level. It’s more about keeping the regular stream of regulations coming on initiatives that have been underway for years. But even that will give the Republicans plenty of ammunition — they’ll talk a lot about how, in their view, Obama is indifferent to the economic impact of all of his regulations.

“The president doesn’t seem to care about the impact of these regulations on families,” said John Barrasso of Wyoming, the chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee, adding that the administration is showing “a complete neglect of the economic impact” of the load of new rules.

Not so, Obama administration officials say. They insist there are also lots of economic benefits to the rules, and they’re ready to fire back with numbers they say the Republicans aren’t considering. And they’re sticking with Obama’s script for moving his agenda forward: When you can’t do it through Congress, do what you can through the executive branch.

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One thought on “More executive actions on the way

  1. The new Obama still wants to get the TPP passed. Which, by the way, Bernie Sanders wrote him a letter about today.
    Sanders wants the entire bill, as written, released to every senator ASAP. Apparently several senators haven’t read the bill yet because they haven’t been able to obtain a copy of it. Sanders doesn’t want to be forced to vote on a bill that he hasn’t seen.
    We all know how that went with the ACA. Not everyone read that bill and it’s turned out to be a piece of crap.
    Obama should also straighten out the definition of what full time work means as it applies to the ACA. At the moment if you don’t work 40 hours a week your employer has no obligation at all under the law. Needless to say lots of people are now working 39 hours a week.

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