Icelanders say, ‘Gimme that old-time religion’

God id dead, but Odin is back!
God is dead, but Odin and his gang are making a comeback.

Many Icelanders have had their fill of the enfeebled Christian deity and are feeling the nostalgic pull of the old Norse gods:

Asatruarfelagid, a neopagan organization, plans to start construction next month on the country’s first Norse temple since Christianity arrived in the island nation roughly 1,000 years ago…
…While the temple will be dedicated to ancient Norse ideals, the leader of Asatruarfelagid said the context is a bit different in modern times.
“I don’t believe anyone believes in a one-eyed man who is riding about on a horse with eight feet,” Hilmar Orn Hilmarsson, a musician who is also high priest of Asatruarfelagid, told Reuters. “We see the stories as poetic metaphors and a manifestation of the forces of nature and human psychology…”

Swamp Rabbit read the news and said, “Thanks for statin’ the obvious, Hilmar.”

He meant that all religious stories are “poetic metaphors” unless you literally believe in Noah’s ark and so on. And that it’s no surprise some people feel consoled by pagan rather than Christian metaphors, which lost most of their remaining allure in the 20th century.

“All them one-god religions is dead,” the rabbit said, “except to fanatics.”

Not quite. A few non-fanatics still wring spiritual meaning out of the one-god religions, but most people in our time put their faith only in rituals and myths that attend to the pursuit of wealth.

“Neopagans don’t make a religion of money,” I said. “They want people to stop fouling up nature to feed their greed. Their gods are aspects of nature. Christians made their god anti-nature.”

The rabbit twitched his nose and sniffed at me. “What you say to them that says people was savages till they swapped old-time pagan religions for the one god?”

“I say Christian civilization gave us two world wars, the Holocaust and the atom bomb. Give the old gods another chance.”

He pondered that one and said, “Ain’t you never heard of Götterdämmerung?”

4 thoughts on “Icelanders say, ‘Gimme that old-time religion’

  1. “There is no God but God and Muhammad was his prophet.”
    So was the Christ, Buddha, Zoroaster, Confucius, Amenhotep IV and Imhotep. (That’s 7 right? The seals and all that.)
    Christian civilization wasn’t responsible for multiple wars, the Holocaust and the bomb any more then Islamic civilization is responsible for war, ISIS and brutal dictatorships.
    No, that would be the oligarchy. The 1%.
    A few lines about the (Protestant) Reformation of 1517-1648 if you please. One hundred and thirty years of the Roman Catholic oligarchy (1%) trying to kill every Protestant peasant alive.
    1. The German Peasants War 1524-25
    2. 80 Years War 1568-1648
    3. French Wars of Religion 1562-1598. Between 2 and 4 million people killed.
    4. 30 Years War 1618-1648. Between 25% and 40% of the population killed off in many areas. This was far and away the worst war that Europe has ever suffered through including WWI and WWII.
    5. Wars of the Three Kingdoms (Scotland, Ireland, England) 1639-1651.
    Those are the largest wars, but there were others.
    The oligarchy (1%) funded and fought every one of these wars. Just like the oligarchy (1%) is funding and fighting the wars in the Middle East today.
    These wars had/have nothing to do with religion (false flag). They were and are all about wealth and power. Who’s gonna have it and who ain’t. And if 1 million, 2 million or 10 million people in the 99% get killed fighting in them then that’s just dandy with the 1%.
    By the way, Hitler believed back then exactly what the Icelanders believe today. All he was trying to do was install himself as the “one true God” for a thousand years.
    There is no God but God and if there weren’t we’d have to invent one God to have any freedom at all.

  2. <i<Animals bow down to gods. human Beings, do not.

    At some point in the past ten thousand years, Im, the Cult of Male Domination usurped the woman’s proper role in the natural order of things, and not only is/was One-Eyed Woden as fully a part of that as the Jew and Katholi but everything hence,everything… religion, war, government, history, pornography serves naught but to enforce that domination. We as a species, the human species, stand today at a cusp, at an evolutionary iteration. Sometime in the next hundred years or so the atmosphere may very well wipe us, or most of us, out – we are afterallbut fleas agitating the hide of a far greater organism – but if we don’t abandon – outgrow – this irrational dependency on adolescent fairy-tales to explain away the dark, justify sex with young children, and profit, if we don’t stop bickering over whose imaginary dog has the bigger dick… the atmosphere may very well not have the opportunity at all.

    Recalling that in all legend lay a kernel of fact, reading the fabrications koran, bible, and torah in larger, historical context with other fabrications lain down in stone it is in fact quite easy to afford “Intelligent Design” a measure of credibility. When chariots with wheels of fire flitting about, vast arks propelling the seeds of life across vast empty spaces, and fathers asking of their wives “be this my son, or that of a “giant?” are lain aside the physical record it isn’t all that far fetched to supposit that at some point in the past half-million years extra-terrestrial travelers – for whatever reason: pure science, sheer boredom, desperate survival, or profit – genetically interfered with the development of the proto-humans they found roaming the savannahs of Northern and Western Africa. Not only are we but fleas agitating the hide of a far greater organism, but some bastard’s abandoned science project, if not cattle, as well. Wrap the twelve percent of your brain you use around that.

    This notion that the bastard is going to come back and rescue us… that as the blood of our adolescent squabbles over whose imaginary dog has the bigger dick rises to the horses’ bridle will come floating down out of the sky on a white horse with a thousand angels to carry away the chosen few, the faithful… Who are these “Chosen People”, these “faithful”? The genetically purest cattle (or pigs, as it is)? More accurately: just who do they think they are? Get this straight, these “Chosen People”, these “faithful”, can destroy the world – burn the forests, chop down the mountains, turn the air we breath into toxic gas and waters we drink into vast garbage reservoirs… can

    drop their fucking bombs and burn the screaming babies

    and at the last moment, the moment the world is utterly destroyed, after the bloodbath, some spectral being with whom they’ve entered into some kind of “special” contractual obligation is going to float down out of the sky and carry them away.

    Uh-huh. To what?

    Far the more likely thousands upon thousands of cavernous spacecraft, vast slaughter-houses piloted by ravenous vaguely reptilian creatures, replete with horns and folked tail, intent not as benevolent overseers of the demise of this world and our current iteration in human evolution and our children’s evolution onto the next iteration of humanity but as ravenous reptilian creatures… you know, hungry lizards. We did, afterall, invite them to “Come Eat!”

  3. I like the lizard people theory as much as the next person, Ten Bears, and you’re right about nobody coming back to rescue us, but we part company on woman’s proper role in the natural order of things. Where we, and by that I mean men, went way off the rails this go around was about the time of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) 3500 years ago. He and his wife Nefertiti tried to right the ship by bringing men and women into balance as the Huna Code laid out. By restoring the Sacred Feminine. But he and she were right in the middle of the Iron Cycle so they were destined to fail.
    Now that we’ve entered the Bronze Cycle, the need for fairy-tale beings will diminish exponentially over the next 6500 years.
    It’s just too bad that none of us will ever be a part of the next Golden Age. Unfortunately that’s 13,000 years into the future. Or so the Mayan Long Count Calendar tells us.

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