Bernie Sanders: Time to stand up to the Kochs

Sen. Sanders on Morning Joe:

I think the issue is, frankly, it’s not just Hillary, Elizabeth, or Bernie Sanders, or anybody else. This country faces enormous problems. Our middle-class is disappearing. We more people living in poverty than at any time in the history of America. We’re the only major country without a national health care program guaranteeing health care for all people. What’s it all about? The question is this one basic question. How do take on a billionaire class, which has so much economic power, and with Citizens United, can now buy elections. Where we are moving in many ways towards an oligarchic form of society rather than our traditional democracy.
Who is prepared to do it? So let me just say this, no president, not Hillary, not Bernie Sanders, not anybody, will succeed unless there is a mass mobilization of millions of people who stand up and say, enough is enough. Koch brothers and billionaires can’t have it all.
The bottom line is we need people to stand up to the billionaire class, and their economic and political power. That is what we need.

EXACTLY. This fixation on some individual as political savior is crazy. Our system is so corrupted that no one person can fix things; the most we can hope for are some improvements. Real change will come from the streets, not who’s running for president.

2 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders: Time to stand up to the Kochs

  1. I like how FOX switches the banner underneath the senator from one reading “Sanders Talks 2016” to “Sanders Pushes Equal Pay in Workforce”, when he never mentions women being underpaid relative to men at all. He doesn’t even bring the subject up.

    FOX just couldn’t allow the chyron underneath Sanders to accurately depict his comments. Interesting choice of new subject matter, as well.

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