If you want to know why I feel so strongly about abortion…


Read all of this.

Dr. Hern came in for a minute and my husband talked to him about political policies for a while.

That’s when my husband asked him, “Given the current political climate and what’s happening to reproductive rights, do you feel hopeful at all about the future?” Dr. Hern was like, “No, I really don’t.” It was pretty depressing, and again, that’s how he is: he’s very no-nonsense, very, very honest. He was like, “Look, the fact of the matter is, who wants to go through med school and all that work and all that debt to come out of it not making any money, having threats on their life? Having to deal with leaky roofs?” And of course, the answer is no one. No one wants to sign up for that. You would have to be as much of a zealot as he is.

You can make a donation to the George Tiller Memorial Abortion Fund here.