CALL YOUR SENATORS: 202-224-3121

Be civil. Tell the intern how this bill affects you and the people you care about. TURN THE SCREWS.

They are telling themselves since they won the election, the rest of us are malcontents. They are fools, as far as the long-time effects are concerned.

See what McConnell did? He listed only $2B for opioid treatment. That means Rob Portman and Shelly Capito will publicly ask for a big increase and maybe a delay in Medicaid reduction.

Then they will call a press conference and announce how hard they fought for their constituent. And of course now they’ll vote for the whole mess.

Then they announce how brave and tough they are to win their ask and thus, now satisfied, they will vote for the bill.

As long as Collins and Murkowski are the only two left, they’ll be allowed to vote against it, and Mike Pence breaks the tie.

The House will pass whatever the Senate sends them, and the rest of us are fucked.

Like this woman, whose daughter has cancer. She confronted Sen. Shelly Capito (WV) over health care bill: