Aztec tower of skulls unearthed in Mexico City

Templo Mayor Museum (1987) v01, Centro Histórico, Mexico City DF, Mexico

Ongoing excavation works in Mexico City have confirmed the existence of a legendary, and terrible, edifice: the Aztec tower of skulls. Stock photo. Image credits Peter Dargatz. As Spanish soldiers first made their way to the sprawling Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan in 1521, they came upon a terrible and terrifying sight: the tzompantli. Our first recount…

2 thoughts on “Aztec tower of skulls unearthed in Mexico City

  1. Nobody can stop a drought from beginning and continuing on for a decade or more.

    Not even the Aztec’s, who tried to stop a severe drought by sacrificing human beings in order to appease the rain god.

    Once the “unwashed masses” switched roles and began sacrificing the High Priests responsible for ordering the sacrifice of thousands of common folks, their society collapsed.

    Fortunately, our society has advanced to the point where we could get rid of all of the priests and all of the politicians in a single day and things would continue running just fine.
    Maybe better.

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