Senator who just voted to confirm birther judge decries birtherism

U.S Sen. Flake Faults Disclosed Various issues in Trump Administration in his New Book

Sen. @jeffflake (R-Ariz.) tells @chucktodd in an exclusive interview, “I wish we as a party had stood up” to the birther movement. #MTP – Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) August 6, 2017 Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) lamented on Sunday that his party had failed to stand up to Donald Trump’s racist so-called birther movement which falsely…

4 thoughts on “Senator who just voted to confirm birther judge decries birtherism

  1. Really? A guy who votes 99.5% along party lines is trying to whitewash himself as the the guy who stood and said no?
    What a clown! ????????????????

  2. What Flake is up to, aside from selling his book, is anybody’s guess. Perhaps Pence promised him the vice-presidency after Trump leaves office before 2018?

    In any event, Arizona Republicans have a Flake problem and a McCain problem.

    If the Democratic Party can’t make some headway in Arizona, then they aren’t worth a “bucket of warm spit.”

  3. Agreed! Flake’s a lyin’ ass flake. No telling what he’s up to, but if anybody believes this bullshit I have some oceanfront property in Kansas I’d like to sell you.

  4. Dandy, I’ll buy your ocean front after Brownback repeals property taxes and we keep denying global warming. But Flake confirming a lifetime appointment for a birther. I am shocked, I say. What does the “R” behind his title mean again?

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