2 thoughts on “Your morning nightmare

  1. Mr. Clapper, the Democrats are obstructing and delaying an end to the war in Afghanistan.

    We (the US govt.) need to gather Russia, Iran, the Afghan govt., the Taliban, China, Pakistan, India and Saudi Arabia around a big table and negotiate an end to the war in Afghanistan.

    Unfortunately, Democratic and Republican neo-liberals refuse to allow real rapprochement with Russia and Iran for political and personal reasons.

    So the Russian’s will continue to give arms to the Taliban (a payback for Charlie Wilson’s war) and Iran will continue to destabilize Afghanistan (because the Zionists keep threatening their existence).

    All of Trump’s power has been drained away.
    He is the President in name only.

    Trump and Bannon wanted to end the war in Afghanistan.
    The military (McMaster, Kelly, Mattis, Dunford) did not.
    So they got rid of Bannon and forced Trump to expand the war in Afghanistan in order to ” win it” by “killing terrorists.”

    The military was only following the lead of their neo-liberal political bosses in both parties who embrace McCain’s perpetual warmongering.

    Revelation 7:4; 144,000 divided by 6, divided by 6, divided by 6, equals 666.6 into infinity.

  2. The damn fool can’t even spell “heal” , do you suppose he could even successfully enter the nuclear codes?

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