Congress plans to cut tax write-offs for disaster damage


Congress is planning to limit taxpayers’ ability to write off losses from wildfires and other disasters. The disaster write-off is one of the many little-known deductions that would be mostly wiped out in the Republican tax plan, but it’s getting new attention because of the fires that have devastated parts of Southern California over the past week.

2 thoughts on “Congress plans to cut tax write-offs for disaster damage

  1. The Republican tax message is to take from the poor and give to the rich.

    To the Republican trickle-down theory of economics I say; please don’t piss on me and then tell me it’s raining.

  2. This is their MO. On medical expense deductions they are going to require that you pay for nursing home care for your Alzheimer’s afflicted parents in post tax dollars so that they can leave unlimited dollars to their brat offspring without an estate tax.

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