Inside Atomwaffen as it celebrates a member accused of killing a gay Jewish student

Late last month, ProPublica reported that the California man accused of killing a gay and Jewish University of Pennsylvania student was an avowed neo-Nazi and a member of Atomwaffen Division, one of the country’s most notorious extremist groups. The news about the murder suspect, Samuel Woodward, spread quickly throughout the U.S., and abroad. Woodward was accused…

One thought on “Inside Atomwaffen as it celebrates a member accused of killing a gay Jewish student

  1. Brownshirts. And Christians.

    81% of Evangelical Christians voted for Trump.
    70% of them continue to support him.
    That 70% is incorrigible and willful.

    Evangelical Christians are warmongers.
    They fall to their knees and pray for the end-of-days and the Second coming.

    Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, constantly pushing the North Koreans toward war, repeatedly threatening Iran with war and so on, serves the purpose of the Evangelical Christians by brining the Apocalypse ever closer.

    Born again Evangelical Christians are a danger to peace.

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