Stormy offers to return Trump’s $130,000 hush money


Stormy Daniels has a really smart attorney. She’s playing this pretty much perfectly, while Team Trump are acting like the inept buffoons we all knew they were. Here’s a copy of her attorney’s letter, pdf. Source: CNN Adult film actress Stormy Daniels is offering to return the $130,000 payment she received from President Donald Trump’s attorney…

One thought on “Stormy offers to return Trump’s $130,000 hush money

  1. This is a fun story in a perverse sort of way, but what Jared Kushner did was criminal.

    On an officially sanctioned trip to the Middle East, Kushner tried to raise $500 million in loans to keep his NYC property at 666 Fifth Avenue from being foreclosed on.

    The Emir of Qatar agreed to loan him $150 million if Kushner could raise the other $350 million from other sources.
    So Kushner approached the Chinese government owned Anbang Bank (Ivanka uses this bank a lot) which agreed to loan him the $350 million.
    Unfortunately for Kushner the deal went public and Anbang Bank backed out.

    So did the Emir of Qatar.

    Kushner told Trump about what Qatar had done and Trump called the Saudis who slapped a total blockade on Qatar.
    To get in Trump’s good graces Egypt, Kuwait and the UAE followed suit.

    That is perverse and criminal.

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