Hope for the future

NYC - March For Our Lives

My heart is so full today, to see these kids stand up and speak out. For the first time, I am hopeful that one day, this shameless gun worship will be seen for the aberration it is. Even Taylor Swift, a celebrity who’s notorious for avoiding political stands, announced a donation today to March for Our…

One thought on “Hope for the future

  1. If you look at the fringes of these multiple mass demonstrations you will find the Proud Boys lurking in the shadows.

    The Proud Boys are a far-right, neo-Nazi group organized in 2016 by Gavin Mc Innes.

    Mc Innes is an anti-feminist, sexist, White Nationalist, racist, anti-Semite.

    He is connected to Vice Media and is a frequent guest on the FOX War Network and The Blaze.

    There are always provocateurs stirring up trouble.

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