The chaos demon strikes again

I swear, he’s being inept on purpose. Vlad told him, “Go in there and fuck things up” and that’s exactly what he’s doing:

One thought on “The chaos demon strikes again

  1. #1, all neo-liberals are greedy, Capitalist, pigs.
    #2, the trade and tariff discussion is being managed by the oligarchs and their plutocratic flunkies.

    The United States set up our current international trading system and the WTO.
    Trump is trying to re-work it and the “free-traitors” are up in arms.

    We owe China $2 trillion dollars. Or close to it. They buy US Treasury Bonds.
    We have a $375 billion dollar a year trade deficit with China.

    We buy $375 billion more in Chinese made goods then they buy from us each year. And that number is growing.
    Millions of low-paid Chinese laborers working in dangerous conditions are manufacturing those goods in American/Chinese owned factories in China and then sold in the US making both American and Chinese oligarchs beyond wealthy.

    Why don’t we hire American workers and pay them a living wage to work in American owned factories to produce that $375 billion dollars worth of goods right here in America each year?

    Because the profits flowing to the oligarchs would shrink.
    Or at least that’s what the neo-liberal apologists for the oligarchs keep telling us.

    Screw the oligarchs here in America, in Russia and around the world. Greedy bastards.

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