Talking turtle won’t allow vote on Mueller protection

So Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Scum) just gave the go-ahead signal to Trump: He says he won’t allow legislation to protect Bob Mueller from being fired.

He told Neil Cavuto last night on Fox he doesn’t believe Trump will fire him — and he doesn’t want the bill on the floor.

“I don’t think he should fire Mueller and I don’t think he’s going to,” he said. “So this is a piece of legislation that isn’t necessary, in my judgment.

“I’m the one who decides what we take to the floor, that’s my responsibility as the majority leader, we will not be having this on the floor of the Senate,” he said.

Cavuto asked our own Yertle McTurtle if he’d be shocked if Trump fired Mueller. “Yes, I don’t think he should and I don’t think he will,” the turtle croaked.

A bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill last week that would make it harder for fire Mueller, stating that the special counsel can only be fired for “good cause” by a senior Justice Department official.

3 thoughts on “Talking turtle won’t allow vote on Mueller protection

  1. What a lying sack of poo. He knows tRump wants to fire Mueller badly and is quite capable of doing it at any moment. McConnell would be happy to see Mueller fired and that’s why he’s not allowing the bill on to the floor.

  2. Pleeeeze Trump, fire Mueller. Pleeeeze.

    Republicans are the enemy, so if we vote every last creature of them out of office in November, the national Trump nightmare will end.

    In other news, the Capitalists are sounding the alarm bells again about debt.
    Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund said today that our worldwide debt is 220% more then the international gross product. The IGP is about $75 trillion.

    Lagarde said that 85% of that debt was being held by the private sector, while public sector debt was at its highest level since WWII.

    Her solution—–austerity.

    Note: The Republican Tax Cut added $1.3 trillion in new debt and
    the Republican Budget Bill added another $1 trillion in debt.

  3. Also Mitch et al, how many more Palestinian protesters are you going to allow Netanyahu’s “Jewish” State of Israel kill tomorrow before you condemn their actions?

    The toll so far: 31 Palestinians killed and 2000 wounded; Zero–0–Israeli injuries or deaths.

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