Why eating collagen may not be a good idea

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Getting collagen injected into the skin to increase its strength and elasticity is nothing new. But now, people are foregoing the idea of using needles to get their collagen and instead are eating it, mostly in powdered form. It is an idea that started with the paleo diet, mainly in the form of bone broth. Today this form of collagen has spread to hundreds of different snacks in an industry that made 60 million dollars from the trend over just the past year.

But does eating collagen produce the same effects as injecting it? And more importantly, is it good for overall health?

Truthfully, most people are already getting the collagen they need, particularly those who eat meat. Collagen is a protein made up of fibers that help bind tissues in the body together. When certain foods such as meat are eaten, the amino acids needed to build collagen are consumed. The body then binds those acids together to form the protein collagen and reuses it where it is most needed in the body. While plant-eaters will not gain the same amount of the protein, they will still be consuming the essentials needed for the body to make it.

Because most people are already getting the collagen they need, consuming it in foods is not likely to produce the desired results. This is despite the fact that two different studies have pointed to the fact that a few grams of collagen in the diet a day can have beneficial effects. But one or two studies is not enough research to determine the overall effect that eating collagen may have on the body.

“The biggest problem with eating collagen,” says Dr. Jacobson, “is that there just has not been enough research done on it to determine if it is safe. What implications will a few grams of collagen have on the body? And if someone eats too much collagen, will they experience unpleasant side effects? The concept is still too new to know.”

Add to this the fact that another simple change, such as changing what one eats, may be enough to get the collagen they are looking for. And it may be able to do it without spending time and money investing in snacks containing collagen powder.

There are many reasons people may want to avoid gobbling up all the collagen powder they can get their hands on. But the biggest one is that without enough research and studies done on it yet, it is a trend that is simply not worth putting overall health on the line for.