I expect to see more like this

And thank God for that:

Of course, secular laws are perfectly okay when they want to impose religious laws on secular citizens….

One thought on “I expect to see more like this

  1. Jeff Sessions is a White Nationalist and a faux-Christian.

    There ought to be a law limiting the amount of money that any oligarch can contribute to any individual politician or any single political PAC, to include a limit on the total contributions they can make in a calendar year.

    If the people were to pass such legislation then Sessions would quit politics in a heartbeat.

    George Soros is a Jewish oligarch who leans Left and supports liberal causes.
    Sheldon Adelson is a Jewish oligarch who leans Right and supports Right wing causes.

    This is not about the ideology that any particular oligarch holds or what their religious beliefs are.
    This is about money in politics.

    Money shouldn’t be speech and corporations shouldn’t be considered people.

    In both of these cases the Supreme Court gave the Capitalist oligarchs exactly what they wanted……power.

    Power to the People

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