
The giant play staged by Trump in a last gasp at winning the midterms:

One thought on “Embarrassing

  1. Sending 6000 US troops to our southern border is a campaign stunt and should be embarrassing.

    Republican “Constitutional Originalists,” the pro-Kavanaugh, Federalist Society crowd, should also be embarrassed.

    They’re out defending Trump’s attack on the 14th Amendment even though they know that the president can’t void the Constitution with an Executive Order.

    Talk about the height of hypocrisy.

    Trump and the Republicans don’t give a damn what the Constitution says.
    Just like they don’t give a damn about running up the National Debt.

    Which, by the way, doubled this year to $1.3 trillion because the predicted pickup in the economy failed to produce enough new tax revenue to cover the amount of money Trump and the Republicans gave to the oligarchs and the plutocrats in their tax cut bill for the rich.

    In order to solve that problem the Republicans want to slash Social Security and Medicare according to Mitch McConnell.

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